
🌲 Implementation of the Robust Random Cut Forest Algorithm for anomaly detection on streams

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    â€˘ Related work and motivation
    â€˘ Tree construction
    â€˘ Insertion and deletion of points
    â€˘ Anomaly scoring


    â€˘ RCTree data structure
    â€˘ Modifying the RCTree
    â€˘ Measuring anomalies
    â€˘ API documentation
    â€˘ Caveats and gotchas


    â€˘ Batch detection
    â€˘ Streaming detection
    â€˘ Analyzing taxi data
    â€˘ Classification
    â€˘ Comparison of methods

Measuring anomalies

The anomaly score of a point is defined by its collusive displacement, which measures the change in model complexity incurred by inserting or deleting a given point \(x\) (Guha et al. 2016a) 1.

Defining outliers by displacement

First, observe that because the RRCT is a binary search tree, the depth of a particular point in the tree is equivalent to its bit depth (e.g. the number of bits needed to store the point). The model complexity can thus be represented as the sum of bit depths of all points in the tree. Within this context, an outlier is defined as a point that significantly increases the model complexity when it is included in the tree. Quantifying this concept, we can define the displacement induced by a point \(x\) as the expected change in the bit depths of all leaves in a RRCT tree if point \(x\) is removed:

\begin{equation} Disp(x, Z) = \sum_{T, y \in Z - {x}} Pr[T] \biggl( f(y, Z, T) - f(y, Z - {x}, T \biggr) \end{equation}

where \(x\) is the point to be removed, \(Z\) is the point set, \(T\) is an RRCT tree, and \(f(y, Z, T)\) the depth of point \(y\) in the tree \(T\) defined on point set \(Z\). It can be observed that the displacement associated with a point \(x\) is simply equal to the number of leaves in the subtree beneath the sibling node of \(x\) (Guha et al., 2016).

Collusive displacement

The collusive displacement extends the notion of displacement by accounting for duplicates and near-duplicates that can mask the presence of outliers. Consider, for example, an outlier \(p\) located far away from a large cluster of inliers. In the absence of other outliers, the displacement associated with \(p\) will be large; however if there is another outlier \(q\) close to this original outlier, then the displacement of \(p\) in the presence of \(q\) will be small (given that \(p\) will likely only displace \(q\) when removed from the tree). To account for this problem, we can compute the displacement that occurs when removing a set of “colluders” \(C\) alongside the point of interest \(x\). Let \(x\) be the point to be removed, and let \(C\) be the set of “collusive” points to be removed alongside \(x\). The collusive displacement is then defined as the expected change in the depth of points in the tree when a point set \(C\) containing \(x\) is removed:

\begin{equation} CoDisp(x, Z, |S|) = \underset{S \subseteq Z, T}{\mathbb{E}} \biggl[ \underset{x \in C \subseteq S}{\max} \frac{1}{|C|} \sum_{y \in S - C} \biggl( f(y, S, T) - f(y, S - C, T’’) \biggr) \biggr] \end{equation}

Note that this formulation of CoDisp attempts to find the smallest subset of points \(C \supseteq x\) that maximizes the total displacement if all points in \(C\) are simultaneously removed. In theory, this involves searching over all subsets \(C\) containing \(x\), which is impractical. While the original paper states that CoDisp can be estimated efficiently by considering only “subtrees in the leaf to root path of \(x\)” (Guha et al., 2016b) 2, it does not provide an explicit algorithm for computing CoDisp. Thus, we propose an algorithm for estimating CoDisp. Starting at the leaf of interest, this algorithm traverses the leaf to root path, while at each step computing the number of leaves in the subtree containing \(x\) (equal to \(|C|\)) and the number of leaves in the sibling subtree (equal to \(Disp(C)\)). The maximum ratio of these two quantities (\(Disp(C) / |C|\)) over all nodes in the leaf-to-root path is equal to the CoDisp of \(x\). A formal description of this algorithm is given in pseudocode below:

Algorithm 2


  1. Guha, S., Mishra, N., Roy, G., Schrijvers, O., 2016a. Robust random cut forest based anomaly detection on streams. In: International conference on machine learning. pp. 2712–2721. 

  2. Guha, S., Mishra, N., Roy, G., Schrijvers, O., 2016b. Supporting Information for: Robust random cut forest based anomaly detection on streams. In: International conference on machine learning. pp. 2712–2721.Â