
🌲 Implementation of the Robust Random Cut Forest Algorithm for anomaly detection on streams

View the Project on GitHub kLabUM/rrcf


    â€¢ Related work and motivation
    â€¢ Tree construction
    â€¢ Insertion and deletion of points
    â€¢ Anomaly scoring


    â€¢ RCTree data structure
    â€¢ Modifying the RCTree
    â€¢ Measuring anomalies
    â€¢ API documentation
    â€¢ Caveats and gotchas


    â€¢ Batch detection
    â€¢ Streaming detection
    â€¢ Analyzing taxi data
    â€¢ Classification
    â€¢ Comparison of methods

Constructing a robust random cut tree

Given a point set \(S\), a robust random cut tree (RRCT) is constructed by recursively partitioning the point set until each point is isolated in its own bounding box (Guha et al. 2016) 1. For each iteration of the tree construction routine, a random dimension is selected, with the probability of selecting a dimension being proportional to the difference between its minimum and maximum values. Next, a partition is selected uniformly at random between the minimum and maximum value of that dimension. If the partition isolates a point \(x\) from the rest of the point set, a new leaf node for \(x\) is created, and the point is removed from the point set. The algorithm is then recursively applied to each subset of remaining points on either side of the partition. The algorithm for constructing an RRCT tree is formally specified below:

Algorithm 1


  1. Guha, S., Mishra, N., Roy, G., Schrijvers, O., 2016. Robust random cut forest based anomaly detection on streams. In: International conference on machine learning. pp. 2712–2721.Â