
🌲 Implementation of the Robust Random Cut Forest Algorithm for anomaly detection on streams

View the Project on GitHub kLabUM/rrcf


    â€¢ Related work and motivation
    â€¢ Tree construction
    â€¢ Insertion and deletion of points
    â€¢ Anomaly scoring


    â€¢ RCTree data structure
    â€¢ Modifying the RCTree
    â€¢ Measuring anomalies
    â€¢ API documentation
    â€¢ Caveats and gotchas


    â€¢ Batch detection
    â€¢ Streaming detection
    â€¢ Analyzing taxi data
    â€¢ Classification
    â€¢ Comparison of methods

Using RRCF for classification

In this example, we use RRCF to classify data into one of two categories. The approach proceeds as follows:

The advantage of this approach compared to conventional classification algorithms is that it provides a metric of the likelihood that a point does not belong to either class (i.e. is an outlier from both classes).

Test 1: Classification using two clusters

In this example, we will classify points into one of two normally-distributed clusters.

Generate data and run RRCF classification

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.io
import rrcf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import colors

# Set parameters
n = 256
d = 3
num_trees = 10

# Generate data
X_0 = np.zeros((n, d))
X_1 = np.zeros((n, d))
X_0[:,0] = -5
X_1[:,0] = 5
X_0 += 0.01*np.random.randn(*X_0.shape)
X_1 += 0.01*np.random.randn(*X_1.shape)

# Create two random cut forests
forest_0 = []
forest_1 = []
for _ in range(num_trees):
    tree_0 = rrcf.RCTree(X_0)
    tree_1 = rrcf.RCTree(X_1)
# Generate new points from two different classes
num_points = 500
offsets = np.random.choice([-5, 5], size=num_points)
labels = pd.Series({-5 : 0, 5: 1})[offsets].values
x = 0.01*np.random.randn(num_points, d)
x[:,0] += offsets

# Compute anomaly score for each new point
avg_codisp = np.zeros((num_points, 2))
for index in range(num_points):
    for tree_0, tree_1 in zip(forest_0, forest_1):
        tree_0.insert_point(x[index], index=n + index)
        tree_1.insert_point(x[index], index=n + index)
        avg_codisp[index, 0] += tree_0.codisp(n + index)
        avg_codisp[index, 1] += tree_1.codisp(n + index)
        tree_0.forget_point(n + index)
        tree_1.forget_point(n + index)

avg_codisp /= num_trees

Compute test error

predictions = np.argmin(avg_codisp, axis=1)
test_error = 1 - ((predictions == labels).sum()
print("Test error: {:.1f}%".format(100*test_error))
Test error: 0.0%

Plot classification results

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(X_0[:,0], X_0[:,1], X_0[:,2],
           c='0.5', alpha=0.3,
           label='Training data')
ax.scatter(X_1[:,0], X_1[:,1], X_1[:,2],
           c='0.5', alpha=0.3)
ax.scatter(x[predictions == 0][:,0],
           x[predictions == 0][:,1],
           x[predictions == 0][:,2],
           c='b', label='Class 0')
ax.scatter(x[predictions == 1][:,0],
           x[predictions == 1][:,1],
           x[predictions == 1][:,2],
           c='r', label='Class 1')
plt.title('Classification results', size=14)

Classification 1

Test 2: Classification using nuclear particle data

In this example, we will classify points from a real-world nuclear particle energy dataset. This dataset is available in the /resources directory in the rrcf repo.

Load and plot original data

# Load data
nuc = scipy.io.loadmat('nuclear.mat')
x = nuc['x'].astype(float).T
y = nuc['y'].astype(float).T
y = pd.Series({-1:0, 1:1})[y.ravel()].values

plt.scatter(x[y == 0][:,0], x[y == 0][:,1],
            c='b', alpha=0.3, label='Class 0')
plt.scatter(x[y == 1][:,0], x[y == 1][:,1],
            c='r', alpha=0.3, label='Class 1')
plt.title('Original labeled data', size=14)
plt.xlabel('Total energy')
plt.ylabel('Tail energy')

Classification 2

Construct dual random forests

# Set parameters
n = 2500
m = 100
d = 2
num_trees = 60

# Take random sample
X_0 = x[np.random.choice(np.flatnonzero(y.ravel() == 0),
X_1 = x[np.random.choice(np.flatnonzero(y.ravel() == 1),

# Create random cut forests
forest_0 = []
forest_1 = []
for _ in range(num_trees):
    tree_0 = rrcf.RCTree(X_0)
    tree_1 = rrcf.RCTree(X_1)
ix = np.random.randint(0, x.shape[0], size=m)
avg_codisp = np.zeros((m, d))

for index in range(m):
    for tree_0, tree_1 in zip(forest_0, forest_1):
        tree_0.insert_point(x[ix[index]], index=n + index)
        tree_1.insert_point(x[ix[index]], index=n + index)
        avg_codisp[index,0] += tree_0.codisp(n + index)
        avg_codisp[index,1] += tree_1.codisp(n + index)
        tree_0.forget_point(n + index)
        tree_1.forget_point(n + index)

avg_codisp /= num_trees

Compute test error

predictions = np.argmin(avg_codisp, axis=1)
test_error = 1 - (predictions == y[ix]).sum() / m
print("Test error: {:.1f}%".format(100*test_error))
Test error: 9.0%

Plot classification results

plt.scatter(X_0[:,0], X_0[:,1], c='0.5', alpha=0.1)
plt.scatter(X_1[:,0], X_1[:,1], c='0.5', alpha=0.1,
            label='Training data')
plt.scatter(x[ix][predictions == 0][:,0],
            x[ix][predictions == 0][:,1],
            c='b', alpha=0.4, label='Class 0')
plt.scatter(x[ix][predictions == 1][:,0],
            x[ix][predictions == 1][:,1],
            c='r', alpha=0.4, label='Class 1')
plt.title('Classified points', size=14)
plt.xlabel('Total energy')
plt.ylabel('Tail energy')

Classification 3

Classify all points in search space

nn = 10000
num_trees = 10

# Create random cut forests
forest_0 = []
forest_1 = []
for _ in range(num_trees):
    tree_0 = rrcf.RCTree(X_0)
    tree_1 = rrcf.RCTree(X_1)
    points = np.vstack(np.dstack(np.meshgrid(
        np.linspace(0, 8, 100),
        np.linspace(0, 1.4, 100))))

avg_codisp = np.zeros((nn, d))

for index in range(nn):
    for tree_0, tree_1 in zip(forest_0, forest_1):
                            index=n + index)
                            index=n + index)
        avg_codisp[index,0] += tree_0.codisp(n + index)
        avg_codisp[index,1] += tree_1.codisp(n + index)
        tree_0.forget_point(n + index)
        tree_1.forget_point(n + index)

avg_codisp /= num_trees

Plot decision boundary

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
plt.imshow(-np.log(avg_codisp[:,1] /
                   avg_codisp[:,0]).reshape(100, 100),
           cmap='seismic', extent=(0, 8, 0, 1.4),
           origin='lower', aspect='auto')
plt.colorbar(label='Log ratio of Class 1 Codisp to Class 0 Codisp')
plt.title('Decision regions', size=16)
plt.xlabel('Total energy')
plt.ylabel('Tail energy')

Classification 4

Plot outlier likelihood

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
                         axis=1)).reshape(100, 100),
           extent=(0, 8, 0, 1.4), origin='lower',
           aspect='auto', cmap='cubehelix_r')
plt.colorbar(label='$\log(\min(CoDisp(x^{(0)}), CoDisp(x^{(1)})))$')
plt.title('Likelihood of belonging to neither class',
plt.xlabel('Total energy')
plt.ylabel('Tail energy')

Classification 5